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HomeSail Restrictions

Farr 1020 Sail Measurement Restrictions

Class Emblem

Class emblem on the mainsail shall be contained within two 1.000m x 0.400m rectangles located starboard on top of port, parallel to the seams, with a vertical separation of no less than 0.100m.


Class Letters

The National letters and distinguishing numbers shall not be less than height 385mm and width 260mm (except the figure 1) thickness 70mm. The space between adjoining letters and numbers shall be 100mm. The last digit on the starboard number or letter on the genoa shall be within 200mm of the luff.


Cloth Weight

The minimum cloth weight for the mainsail shall be 305 grams per square metre (7oz). Minimum cloth weight for the spinnaker shall be 33 grams per square metre (Three quarter oz). There shall be no minimum cloth weight specified for headsails. Minimum cloth weight shall be defined as the weight of the raw uncoated woven material used (grey goods) in the sail.



a) The headboard may be of any material with a maximum width of 150mm and shall not extend more than 170 mm aft of the head when measured at right angles to the luff.

b) The length of the leach shall not exceed 12.900m.

c) The cross width measurements shall be taken from the three quarter, half and quarter points on the leech, located when the head is folded to the clew for the half height point, and when the head and clew are folded to the half height point to determine the three quarter and quarter height points.

d) The maximum three quarter height width between the leech and the nearest point on the luff, including the luff rope, shall be not more than 1.690m.

e) The maximum half height width between the leech and the nearest point on the luff, including the luff rope, shall be not more than 2.900m.

f) The maximum quarter height width between the leech and the nearest point on the luff, including the luff rope, shall be not more than 3.870m.

g) The sail shall have four battens all with a maximum width of 50mm. The maximum batten lengths shall be as follows:

Top Batten Full length

2nd Batten 1200 mm

3rd Batten 1600 mm

4th Batten 1600 mm

Except that as an alternative all battens shall be full length.

h) The distance from the head and clew to the intersection of the aft edge of the sail with the centre line of the nearest batten pocket measured in a straight line, shall be not less than 2.520m.

i) At least three structurally adequate reefs, shall be build into the mainsail. The bearing surface of the cringle delta ring or reefing device in the luff, measured in a straight line from the tack, shall not be less than the following:

First Reef 1.395m

Second Reef 2.860m

Third Reef 4.300m

The corresponding leech reef points must be kept at least square or above luff reefs.

j) A cunningham hole may be fitted in the luff.

k) No clew cunningham hole may be fitted in the leech.

l) A leech line is permitted.

m) Camber lines are permitted.

n) The mainsail must be loose footed with a maximum round measured from the straight line between tack and clew of 100mm.

No 1 Genoa

a) The width of the head measured at right angles to the luff tape or rope shall be not more than 95mm.

b) The luff shall not be more than 11.70m.

c) The diagonal (LP) shall be not more than 5.33m.

d) A cunningham hole may be fitted in the luff.

e) The leech shall not be convex.

f) A leech line is permitted.

g) Camber lines are permitted.

h) A cringle in the foot is permitted for a tacking line.

No 2 Genoa

a) The width of the head measured at right angles to the luff including the luff tape or rope shall be not more than 95mm.

b) The luff shall be not more than 11.60m nor less than 11.540m..

c) The diagonal (LP) shall be not more than 3.900m nor less than 3.840m, measured to the forward side of the outer most bolt rope.

d) A cunningham hole may be fitted in the luff with the bearing surface of the cringle no more than 340mm above the tack.

e) The leech shall be supported by a maximum of four equally spaced battens. The distance between the centre of the top batten on the leach and the nearest point on the luff should not exceed 980mm.

f) The half height width shall not be more than 2.300m or less than 2.240m. The half height point will be established by folding the head to the clew and head to the tack. The half height width shall be the distance between the points half luff and half leech.

g) A leech line is permitted.

h) Camber lines are permitted.

i) A reef point may be permitted provided base of cringle is not more than 1.600m nor less than 1.540m above bearing point of tack cringle. The reefed sail must sheet from the forward sheeting track.

No.1 Jib

a) The width of the head measured at right angles to the luff tape or rope shall not more than 95mm.

b) The luff shall be not more than 10.00m nor less than 9.940m.

c) The diagonal (LP) shall be not more than 3.00m nor less than 2.940m measured to the forward side of the outer most bolt rope.

d) A cunningham hole may be fitted.

e) The leech shall not be convex but may be supported by a maximum of three equally spaced battens each with a length not more than 250mm.

f) A leech line is permitted.

g) Camber lines are permitted.

No.1 Spinnaker

a) The spinnaker shall be a three cornered sail, symmetrical about its centre line.

b) The spinnaker shall be measured opened out on a flat surface, pulled with sufficient tension to remove wrinkles and creases along the lines of measurements.

c) The length of the leeches shall be not more than 12.70m nor less than 12.60m.

d) The spinnaker maximum width shall be not more than 7.030m nor less than 6.830m.

e) The clew angles shall not exceed 110 degrees 

No.2 Spinnaker

a) The spinnaker shall be a three cornered sail, symmetrical about its centre line.

b) The spinnaker shall be measured opened out on a flat surface, pulled with sufficient tension to remove wrinkles and creases along the lines of measurements.

c) The length of the leaches shall be not more than 12.00m nor less than 11.70m.

d) The spinnaker mid girth (SMG) shall be not more than 6.2m nor less than 6.1m.

The point of SMG measurement shall be established by folding the head to each clew and marking the respective half height point on each leech.

e) The spinnaker foot shall be not more than 6.3m nor less than 6.1m.

f) The clew angles shall not exceed 110 degrees.

Storm Jib

a) The storm jib shall have a maximum area of 6.5 square metres.

b) The recommended dimensions are:

Luff 6.370m

Leach 4.700m

Foot 2.940m

c) The minimum cloth weight shall be no less than that of the mainsail.

Storm Trys'l

a) The Storm Trys'l shall have a maximum area of 10.10 square metres.

b) The recommended dimensions are:

Luff 5.200m

Leach 7.400m

Foot 2.940m

c) The minimum cloth weight shall be no less than that of the mainsail.


a) The following sails shall be carried whilst class racing:

  • One Mainsail
  • One Number 1 Genoa
  • One Number 2 Genoa

b) The following sails may be carried whilst class racing:

  • One Number 1 Jib
  • One Number 1 Spinnaker
  • One Number 2 Spinnaker
  • One Storm Jib
  • One Trys'l

c) No other sails shall be carried whilst class racing.
d) Sails cannot be changed after the commencement of the class championship series except in the event that the sails are damaged in which event they may be changed subject to approval by the sailing committee of such championships.

e) The Mainsail, Genoas and Number 1 Jib may be fitted with transparent windows of any material. If fitted, no dimension of any window shall be more than 1.50m and any edge of any window shall not be less than 80mm from the nearest edge of the sail.

f) The sails shall be measured in accordance with ISAF measurement instructions except where varied here in. Sailmakers shall be required to use a measurement certificate with all sails.

g) Distinguishing numbers shall be placed on the mainsail, Number 1 Genoa and both spinnakers.

h) Headsails can be constructed from any Material. Spinnakers shall be constructed from Nylon or Polyester. Mainsails must be constructed from Dacron.

i) Unless a specific tolerance is stated all measurements are to be within 25mm.

This version of the sail restrictions came into effect on 25 July 2023